Home 5 Messages 5 Ⅰ Samuel 18/The Grace Period. /Ⅰ サムエル記18章/恵みの期間

Ⅰ Samuel 18/The Grace Period. /Ⅰ サムエル記18章/恵みの期間

February 12, 2024 | Messages

Today we look at Saul’s life and learn lessons from the mistakes he made. At one point he said with his own mouth, “I have acted like a fool,” which ironically became the symbol of his life. We will learn about his foolishness in four points. 1: He was a coward. Saul hid himself during his own coronation because of the pressure. He was found by the people, and although the anointing took place, it was by no means an honorable coronation. His cowardice in running away at the crucial moment was a sign of his foolishness. 2: He was presumptuous. Before the battle against the Philistines, Saul offered a burnt sacrifice with his own hands because of the late arrival of the prophet Samuel. It was presumptuous to do what only priests are allowed to do. 3: He could not distinguish between faith and religious acts. When the Israelite army tried to defeat the Philistines, Saul ordered his soldiers to fast. As a result, they were too hungry to show their strength and were unable to destroy the enemy. Fasting at times is a noble act, but it was a foolish decision to order fasting at a time of battle. 4: He dismissed the word of God. God commanded Saul to sanctify Amalek and to kill all the people and their livestock. Saul, however, went against the command and brought back some of the livestock. This act was decisive, and God regretted making Saul king. From then on, the Holy Spirit was taken from him, and he became tormented by an evil spirit. God had given Saul a long period of grace. God did not judge him immediately when he did something foolish but waited for him to realize his mistake and repent. Saul, however, never repented. Likewise, God gives us periods of grace and deals with us compassionately. As sinners, we cannot become perfect believers, but we should strive to grow spiritually. Let us seek to do God’s will.

れが彼の人生を象徴する言葉となった。彼の愚かさについてポイントを挙げて学ぶ。1:彼は臆病者であった。サウルは、自らの戴 冠式の際、プレッシャーの故に身を隠してしまった。人々から見つけ出され、油注ぎは行われたものの、それは決して立派な戴冠式とは言えないものであった。大事な場面で逃げ出してしまう臆病さは、彼の愚かさのしるしであった。2:彼は僭越の罪を犯した。ペリシテ人との戦いの前、預言者サムエルの到着が遅れたために、サウルは自らの手で全焼の生贄を捧げた。たとえ王であっても、祭司にしか許されていない事をしてしまった事は僭越であった。3:彼は信仰と宗教行為の区別がつかなかった。イスラエル軍がペリシテ軍を討伐しようとした時、サウルは兵士達に断食を命じた。その結果、彼らは空腹で実力を発揮できず、敵を壊滅させ

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