Home 5 Messages 5 Acts 7:44-53/ The message of Stephen 3/ 使徒の働き7章44-53節 /ステパノのメッセージ3

Acts 7:44-53/ The message of Stephen 3/ 使徒の働き7章44-53節 /ステパノのメッセージ3

September 23, 2024 | Messages

We will learn about the fifth and sixth points of Stephen’s message. The fifth point was about the universality of God’s
presence. The false witnesses accused Stephen of blaspheming the temple. In fact, however, Stephen was not blaspheming the temple, but speaking about the proper understanding of it. First, he spoke of the tabernacle of Moses, built in the wilderness, to show that the presence of God was universal, not just in the temple. Solomon later built the Jerusalem Temple, and Solomon himself spoke of God asone who does not remain only in the temple. (1 Kings 8:27) Both the tabernacle and the temple were used as part of God’s plan to witness salvation through Jesus, and with the advent of the New Testament era, their role ended. For the Sanhedrin, however, the temple was their workplace, and they could not accept that its role had ended. The sixth point was the denunciation of the sins of the Jews. The Jews of theOld Testament period defied the prophets who prophesied the coming of Jesus and persecuted them. Likewise, the Jews of this period did not accept Jesus as Messiah and defied the Holy Spirit. Stephen denounced their sins. Those whoopposed Stephen did not adapt to the changing times and adhered to the temple and the rituals performed there. In other words, this conflict was a confrontation between the old and new institutions. The Old Testament era was the age of law, and the focus was on deeds. The New Testament era, however, is the era of grace, and the focus is on relationship with Christ. When we live in relationship with Christ, our hearts will be renewed by the Holy Spirit, and we will live in a way that is pleasing to God. Let us be grateful for this grace and live in a relationship with Christ.

ステパノのメッセージ、第五、第六のポイントについて学ぶ。第五番目のポイントは、神の臨在の普遍性について。ステパノを訴えた偽証人達は、彼が神殿を冒涜していると言った。しかしながらステパノは神殿を冒涜したのではなく、神殿に対する正しい理解を語ったのだ。まず彼は、荒野で建てられたモーセの幕屋について語る事で、神の臨在はエルサレム神殿にだけではなく、普遍的である事を語った。後にソロモンがエルサレム神殿を建設したが、ソロモン自身も神は神殿だけに留まる方ではない方である事を語った。(第一列王記 8:27)幕屋も神殿もイエスによる救いを証しするための神の計画の一部として用いられたが、新約時代の到

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