Home 5 Messages 5 Ⅱ Samuel 6 /A worshiper inSpirit and in Truth / 第Ⅱサムエル記6章/霊とまことの礼拝者

Ⅱ Samuel 6 /A worshiper inSpirit and in Truth / 第Ⅱサムエル記6章/霊とまことの礼拝者

March 30, 2024 | Messages

After Saul’s death, David, who became king over Israel, brought the ark of the Lord, which had been neglected in Kiriath Jearim, to David’s city. For this purpose , he prepared 30,000 young men, new carts, and a band of musicians, and brought up the ark of the Lord with all the house of Israel, shouting for joy. However, a major incident occurred along the way. The cows pulling the cart almost knocked over the ark of the Lord, and Uzzah, who reached out and took hold it, was killed by the wrath of God. When David saw this, he was afraid to bring the ark of the Lord to his own city and took itto the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite. Then the Lord blessed Obed-Edom and his entire house. Perhaps he placed the ark of the Lord in the center of the house and worshipped the Lord in awe. Likewise, if we make Jesus Christ the center of our lives and live seeking first the Kingdom of God, we will be blessed. When David heard about the blessing of Obed-Edom, he decided to bring the ark of the Lord up to his own city again. On this occasion, the ark of the Lord was not loaded onto a cart, but instead it was carried on the shoulders of the priests, according to the law. David put on a linen ephod and danced in front of the ark of the Lord with great joy. When David’s wife saw this, she despised him, but David told her, “I will dance before the Lord who appointed me ruler over Israel,” and he did not care that people despised him. Jesus said, “For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (children).” Indeed, David rejoiced before the Lord like a child. This week we will celebrate Good Friday, and God loves us enough to give us His only Son. When we think of Jesus’ sacrifice and God’s love for us, we can rejoice in that love. Let us look to God’s love and live joyfully like David.


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