Home 5 Messages 5 Mark 12/Give back to God what is God’s / マルコによる福音書12章/神のものは神に

Mark 12/Give back to God what is God’s / マルコによる福音書12章/神のものは神に

October 2, 2023 | Messages

Jesus told the religious leaders in Jerusalem the parable of the vineyard owner and farmers. At harvest time, the owner
sent some servants to get a share of the harvest, but the farmers did not welcome them. This meant that God repeatedly sent prophets to Israel, but the Israelites did not honor them. Eventually the owner sent his only son, but the farmers killed him. This meant God sent his only son Jesus, who would be killed on the cross. God expected Israel to accept Jesus as their Savior and to bear spiritual fruit, but they rejected him. Later the Pharisees and Herodians questioned Jesus about the payment of imperial taxes to Rome in order to catch him in his words. To which Jesus replied, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s,” astonishing them. God recognizes the authority of this earthly authority, i.e., the government, and requires us to fulfill our obligations as citizens. At the same time, we have something to give back to God as well. Just as the owner entrusted the vineyard to the farmers in the previous parable, God has entrusted many things to us. We are to use what God has entrusted to us to serve, to bear spiritual fruit, and to give them back to God. God is gracious
and has entrusted us with many good things. We should count the blessings we have been given. Then the question we should ask ourselves is, what do we give back to God? Each one of us must think about it and find the answer for ourselves.

数人のしもべ達を送ったが、農夫達は彼らを歓迎しなかった。これは神がイスラエルに繰り返し預言者を送ったが、彼らが預言者 達を尊ばなかった事を意味している。最終的に主人は一人息子を遣わしたが、農夫達は彼を殺してしまった。これはイエスが十字

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