In his old age, David did three things as the last tasks of his life. The first was to organize worship, the second was to organize the army of Israel, and the third was to prepare for the construction of the temple. David organized worship ministers so that Israel could continue to offer spiritual and true worship to God even after his death, and he prepared
materials for the construction of the temple by investing his personal funds. Furthermore, when he called on the people
to make offerings for the temple, they gave joyfully. Thus, with the temple construction ready, David spoke the last message to Solomon, who was to be the next king. David had only one message for him: “Serve the Lord with wholehearted devotion.” David did not speak to him about politics, economics, diplomacy, or national defense. This was because David believed that if Solomon served God with wholehearted devotion, the nation would be blessed in all aspects. This is true for us as well, and if we serve the Lord with wholehearted devotion, our lives will be blessed. “Wholehearted devotion” means that we seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness first in all our affairs. We have studied David’s life to learn about his heart, and the most significant characteristic of his heart was that he was a true worshipper who served God with unlimited devotion. As a result, he died at a good old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth, and honor. David’s life was full of difficulties, but his final days were truly blessed. Let us follow his example and serve God with unshakable devotion