Home 5 Messages 5 Mark 14/The grace of forgiveness / マルコによる福音書14章/赦される恵み

Mark 14/The grace of forgiveness / マルコによる福音書14章/赦される恵み

November 6, 2023 | Messages

On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened bread, Jesus had the Passover meal with his twelve disciples. At that time,
Judas Iscariot had already betrayed Jesus by promising to sell Jesus to the chief priests. During the Passover meal, people
lay on the floor, elbows on the ground, left arm supporting their head and right hand bringing the food to their mouth. Judas was seated to the left of Jesus and Jesus was showing his back to the one who was trying to kill him. It was as if the
message was, “I am not going to fight you, I am not against you.” According to the gospel of John, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet at this time, and He also washed Judas’ feet. This act of feet washing symbolized the cleansing of the
disciples’ sins by the blood of Jesus. In other words, Judas had already betrayed Jesus, but he still had a chance to repent.
However, he did not repent and left the room to meet the priests. Also, a few hours after this, all the disciples would betray Jesus. Jesus knew that too, but then He washed their feet. Later, they had the communion and Jesus proclaimed that their sins would be forgiven. Before the disciples betrayed Jesus, he forgave their sins. God’s grace is more generous than man’s thinking. There is no sin that cannot be forgiven by the blood of Jesus. All are invited to this forgiveness. What greater joy can there be for us than to have our sins forgiven? God loves us and forgives us. Let us open our hearts and accept forgiveness and salvation.


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