After the revival in Samaria, God sent Philip to Gaza. Philip met an Ethiopian eunuch and preached the gospel to him. This eunuch was reading Isaiah 53 on the chariot, on the way home after he attended the festival in Jerusalem. Later he would be baptized, and from the fact that there was water in the wadi, we can assume that the festival he attended was the Passover. Philip explained to the eunuch that the suffering servant in Isaiah 53 was Jesus. The story of Jesus’ crucifixion must have touched his heart, as he had just participated in the Passover and offered a sacrificial lamb. He immediately decided to believe in Jesus and to be baptized. All these events happened at the perfect time. When Philip went to Gaza, he met this eunuch at the right time. This eunuch was reading Isaiah 53 and had just attended Passover. When he believed in Jesus, there was a river there. This was exactly Divine timing and in the same way, if we live according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will experience similar miracles. Consider Philip, a man led by God. 1: Philip was not attached to his past success. He started a revival in Samaria and became a successful evangelist. However, he was not intoxicated by his success and went on to his next mission. 2: Philip was speedy in his actions. When he heard the voice of an angel, he acted immediately. Also, when he saw the eunuch, he ran up to his chariot. 3: Philip was well versed in the Bible. When he heard the eunuch reading, he realized that the scripture was Isaiah 53, and he gave the eunuch an appropriate biblical clarification. The main theme of the book of Acts is “the resurrected Jesus is leading us.” Let us follow Philip’s example and live according to God’s guidance.