After David became king of all Israel, the nation prospered, and his government became stable. Also, as the army grew and became stronger, David himself was no longer in the field of battle. However, the prosperity and stability of the nation caused David to become lazy. On the day he committed the sin of adultery with Bathsheba, he slept in the royal palace until evening. Also, there is no mention of David worshipping God in this chapter, suggesting that he may have been spiritually stagnant. In other words, he was tempted to sin because he had lost the heart of a true worshipper. In addition to the sin of adultery, David’s killing of Bathsheba’s husband Uriah in battle also displeased the Lord. God sent the prophet Nathan to point out David’s sins, and when David heard Nathan’s words, he immediately repented of his sins and received God’s forgiveness. However, he had to accept the judgment for his sins. The firstborn son of Bathsheba was struck by the Lord and died of an illness. Later, Solomon was born as the second son of David and Bathsheba. At that time, God again sent the prophet Nathan and gave him the name “Jedidiah” (meaning “beloved by the Lord”). Why did the first son die for the curse of sin, and why was the second son given the name “Jedidiah”? This was because this event implied the redemption of Jesus Christ. The New Testament tells us that Jesus is the firstborn among us, and he bore the curse of our sins and died on the cross. Through this, we have been forgiven and have become beloved by God. In other words, “Jedidiah” is who we are.