After carrying the Ark of the Covenant up to Zion, the city of David, David placed it in the Tabernacle. David stationed the priests as servers, and there they offered unceasing worship. The tabernacle worship of Moses’ time was filled with awe of
God, but David’s tabernacle worship was different, overflowing with gratitude and joy toward God. The characteristics of David’s Tabernacle worship were as follows. 1: All worshipers could approach the Ark of the Covenant (the symbol of God’s presence) and see it. 2: Music was introduced into the worship service. 3: In addition to the sacrifice of livestock, praise was offered as a sacrifice to God. 4: Gentiles participated in the worship with the Jews. The most significant characteristic of David’s tabernacle worship was that praise was the central offering. This means that spiritual offerings are more highly valued in the eyes of God than material offerings. Furthermore, David realized that the attitude of our hearts toward God is the most important offering, which he wrote in the Psalms. The attitude of the heart that is pleasing to God is a righteous heart (Ps. 4:5), a joyful heart (Ps. 27:6), a heart obedient to God (Ps. 40:6), a grateful heart (Ps. 50:14), and a broken heart (Ps. 51:17). God delights in us having those attitudes of the heart . During David’s reign, unceasing worship was offered in the heartland of the nation. As a result, from his reign through the first half of Solomon’s reign, Israel became the most prosperous in its history. Worshiping God is the source of our blessings. Let us follow David’s example and aim to be true worshippers, offering unceasing praise to God.
なり、神への感謝と喜びに溢れたものであった。ダビデの幕屋礼拝の特徴を挙げる。1:全ての礼拝者が契約の箱(神の臨在の象徴)に近づき、それを見る事が出来た。2:礼拝に音楽が導入された。3:動物のいけにえに加えて、賛美が神へのいけにえとして捧げられた。4:異邦人も礼拝に参加した。ダビデの幕屋礼拝の最も大きな特徴は、賛美が中心的な捧げ物であった事であるが、それに加えてダビデは私達の神に対する心の姿勢こそが真の捧げ物である事を詩篇で語っている。その心の姿勢とは、義なる心(詩篇4:5)、喜びの心(詩篇 27:6)、従順する心(詩篇 40:6)、感謝の心(詩篇 50:14)、砕かれた心(詩篇 51:17)である。神は動物の犠牲以上