We are learning about the attitude of David’s heart as we seek to unite our hearts with God’s heart. This is because, if we can do this, God will express His power through us. Saul and his son Jonathan lost their lives in a battle with the Philistines. It meant that David’s long flight from Saul was over. Paul said, “God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it,” and there is always an end to a seemingly endless trial. However, even though the ordeal was over, David did not rejoice, but regretted the deaths of Saul and Jonathan. Furthermore, he sang an elegy called the “Song of the Bow,” praising Saul’s glory. The definition of agape love in 1 Corinthians 13 states that “Love keeps no record of wrongs,” and indeed David did not think of the evil he received from Saul but looked to Saul’s honor and the favor he received from him. Here we see his noble spirit. When Jesus was crucified, he prayed for the forgiveness of those who crucified him. Jesus also did not resent the evil of men, but rather pitied them. We, too, may sometimes feel bitter about the evil we have received from others. However, if we have received a favor from that person, let us cast aside our bitterness and focus on the favor. If we find glory in that person, let us praise him for his glory. This is never easy for us. However, we have the Spirit of Jesus living within us. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can have noble hearts like David’s heart.
らば、神は私達を通してご自身の力を表されるからだ。ペリシテ人との戦いによってサウルとその息子ヨナタンは命を落とした。ダビデの長い逃亡生活に終わりの時が来たのだ。パウロは「神はあなたがたを耐えられない試練に会わせるような事はしない。むしろ試練と共に脱出の道も備えて下さる」と語ったが、一見終わりが見えないような試練にも必ず終わりは来る。ところが、試練が終わったにも関わらずダビデは喜びの声を上げず、サウルとヨナタンの死を悔やんだ。更に彼は「弓の歌」と呼ばれる哀悼の歌を歌い、サウルの栄光を讃えたのだ。第一コリント13章に記されているアガペ愛の定義には「愛は人のした悪を思わない」とあるが、実にダビデはサウルから受けた悪を思わず、サウルの誉れや彼から受けた恩に目を向けた。ここに彼の気高き精神を見る。イエス が十字架に架けられた時、そこで自らを磔にした者達の赦しを祈った。イエスもまた、人から受けた悪を恨むのではなく、むしろ彼らを哀れんだのだ。私達も時に、人から受けた悪に対し苦い感情を抱く事があるかもしれない。しかしながら、もしもその人から受けた恩があるならば、苦い感情を捨てて恩に目を向けよう。もしもその人に栄光を見出すのならば、その栄光を褒めようではないか。それらは私達にとって決して容易な事ではない。しかしながら、私達の内にはイエスの御霊が住んでいる。御霊の助けによって、私達も人から受けた悪を思わない、愛の心を持つようになるのだ。