We will learn the events of the day Jesus was crucified, divided into three-time segments. The first segment was the time from when the judgment of the cross was passed (probably around 7 am) to 9 am. During that time, Jesus was flogged and subjected to violence and ridicule by the Roman soldiers. The second segment was from 9 am to noon. During that time, Jesus was crucified and mocked by the crowd. The third segment was from noon to 3 pm. During that time, the wrath of God was poured out on Jesus. Symbolizing it, the whole land was covered with darkness. On the cross, Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” and this was the first time Jesus called God, not “Father,” but “God.” It meant that a disconnection had occurred between God the Father and Jesus. Thus, in addition to his spectacular physical suffering, Jesus experienced spiritual suffering and ultimate loneliness, as he was cursed by people and betrayed by his disciples, and even abandoned by his Heavenly Father. The author of the letter to the Hebrews said, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are —yet he did not sin.” Why was Jesus able to become a merciful High Priest? This was because, although He was God, He left His position as God and became human, experiencing the most severe pain and suffering Himself. Sometimes we, too, experience pain, suffering, and loneliness. At such times, Jesus, as someone who has experienced suffering, understands our pain, has compassion, and helps us. What a blessing that God Himself went through so much suffering to understand us. By his wounds we are saved and healed. Hallelujah.
「我が神、我が神、どうして私をお見捨てになったのですか」と叫んだが、この時、イエスは初めて神を、「父」ではなく「神」と呼んだ。それは父なる神と御子イエスとの間に断絶が起こった事を意味していた。このようにして、イエスは壮絶な肉体的苦しみに加え、人々からの罵りや弟子達の裏切りによる精神的苦痛、更には天の父からも見捨てられるという霊的苦しみと究極的孤独体験されたのだ。ヘブル人への手紙の著者は、「私たちの大祭司は、私たちの弱さに同情できない方ではありません。罪は犯されませんでしたが、すべての点で、私たちと同じように、試みに会われたのです。」と語った。何故イエスは憐れみ深い大祭司となる事がで きたのか?それは、彼は神であったにも関わらず、その立場を捨てて人となり、最も厳しい痛みと苦しみを自ら体験されたからである。私達も時に、痛みや苦しみ、孤独を経験する事がある。そのような時、イエスは苦しみの経験者として、私達の苦しみ