The Jewish religious leaders took Jesus to the Roman court to be crucified. There, the people gave false testimony about
Jesus, but Jesus did not refute any of it. Understanding that Jesus was blameless, the Roman governor Pilate sought to
acquit Him and, in accordance with the custom of the time, proposed to release one prisoner. The crowd then called for
Barabbas to be released, not Jesus. Fearing that the crowd would riot, Pilate released Barabbas. Those who surrounded
Jesus at this time later suffered the consequences of theirsins. The crowd said, “His blood is on us and on our children,”
and true to their words, Jerusalem was destroyed by Rome in70 AD, and the blood of many Jews was spilled. Pilate was
exiled six years later by the Roman Emperor Caligula, where he committed suicide. The Gospel of Matthew also mentions
that Judas, a traitor, committed suicide at this time. Barabbas, however, was an exception. Although he was guilty of rioting and murder, he was set free without suffering the consequence of his sins. This was because Jesus was crucified in his place. However, this was not only Barabbas experience; the same thing happened to us. The Bible tells us that “for the wages of sin is death.” In other words, all of us who are sinners must pay for our sins with death. However, God, who is rich in mercy, paid for our sins by crucifying Jesus as our substitute. We, like Barabbas, were saved by grace without any atonement. Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Saved by grace, we do not live our lives for our own desires, but for the glory of Christ.