Home 5 Messages 5 Mark 9/Hope Overcoming Difficulties / マルコによる福音書9章/困難に打ち勝つ希望。

Mark 9/Hope Overcoming Difficulties / マルコによる福音書9章/困難に打ち勝つ希望。

August 14, 2023 | Messages

Jesus took three disciples to a high mountain. There, His appearance changed, and His clothes shone. Furthermore, Moses and Elijah appeared and conversed with Jesus. According to the Gospel of Luke, they were talking about Jesus’ departure and after this conversation, Jesus headed straight for Jerusalem, i.e., to the cross. In this story we can find some spiritual hopes. The first is the hope of Heaven. Jesus, Moses, and Elijah were discussing the end of Jesus’ life, and the word “liberation” is used in the original language. It is a word that refers to the exodus. In the Bible, Egypt symbolizes this world ruled by sin. The cross of Jesus frees us from the dominion of sin and ultimately leads us into Heaven. The second hope is the love of God. When Jesus finished talking with them, He heard the voice of His Heavenly Father. “This is my Son, whom I love.” The Heavenly Father called out in this voice at milestones in the life of Jesus. The first was at the beginning of his ministry, and the second was this time, i.e., before Jesus went to the cross. Jesus’ life was full of difficulties, but He never felt hurt or discouraged, and He ultimately endured the suffering of the cross. This was because he had a sense of being loved by God. God uses the same voice for us. The third hope is Christ’s humility. Jesus’ body shone with the glory of God, which was the glory he was originally clothed with in Heaven. After this event, Jesus lost His glory again, a manifestation of His determination to be crucified as a man. His humility brought us salvation. When we see these hopes, we can gain the strength to overcome our earthly difficulties.


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