Faith and hope are things we have in our hearts, they are not substances. However, when these two insubstantial things
are combined, they take on a tangible form with substance. Paul called God “the God of hope,” and he is the one who
gives us hope. God spoke words of hope to Abraham. Following God’s voice, he left Ur of the Chaldeans and traveled to Canaan. What awaited him in Canaan, however, was a famine. His life in Canaan was full of difficulties and problems that were seemingly different from God’s promise of blessings. However, after long patience, his son Isaac was born, and Abraham was blessed in every way. God’s promise was indeed fulfilled. The characteristics of Abraham’s faith are listed. 1: He took a step by faith. Hearing God’s voice, he left his hometown with hope. When we follow God’s voice and take a step forward, God has a responsibility to bless us. Taking the first step is the most important thing in the life of faith. 2: Abraham maintained a worshiper’s attitude. He repeatedly built altars to worship God. If we worship God with all our heart, God will surely reward us. 3: He did not retreat. This was the greatest feature of Abraham’s faith. He could have returned to Ur, but he did not. His life of faith was by no means perfect, yet the greatness of his faith was that he did not retreat. Our faith life will never be perfect. However, the important thing is that we keep moving forward. In 2023, let us move forward with faith and hope.